Use latest thaiconv allowing editing of multilanguage files
Working on issues with virtual keyboard
Fixed some rendering issues with resizing virtual keyboard
1.8 - 02 November 2013
Update to Qt 5 on MacOS X 10.9.
Changes to virtual keyboard: decrease size using Command+8, increase size using Command+9 and
reset sizing using Command+0.
Virtual keyboard default font now set to Lucida Grande. Loma remains the recommended font.
Clean up of the codebase following static analysis.
1.7 - 12 June 2011
Improved layout of all dialogs. Help now lays out in a scroll view.
Fixed drag and drop files onto Sontana window.
Added drag and drop highlighted text onto Sontana window.
Fixed bug in virtual keyboard: arbitrarily sized window resulted in highlighting errors.
Changed font size keys in virtual keyboard: change size with Control and - or +.
Longer space bar in virtual keyboard.
When a file is modified a star is shown next to the window title, on Mac the close widget is
1.6 - 28 December 2009
Repair broken Thai letter sequences.
Automatically check Thai letter sequence before saving.
Load a local TrueType or OpenType font file and use it in Sontana.
Drag and drop files onto Sontana window enabled.
New option to reset settings to default values.
Virtual keyboard brought in front of other windows when menu option is called.
Find dialog must now have text before clicking OK.
If the output coding was set to something different than the coding of the input
text file then Save would not be performed as no changes were detected. Now the
file will be saved in the new coding even if there were no changes.
Detecting the coding of pasted text failed occasionally, fixed.
Input sequence checker didn't check combinations of Thai letter followed by non Thai
letter, fixed.
Changed location of settings files for both Sontana and TVK.
1.5 - 06 July 2009
Unicode (UTF-8) is now the default format for saving.
When possible, we should all use Unicode for text coding. TIS-620 is old fashioned and
not supported by the majority of modern technology, or the majority of older technology.
Unicode is mature and established so until something better comes along we should all move
over to it.
Coding of text on the clipboard is now detected properly (bug fixed).
New version of Thai Virtual Keyboard,
using system rendered fonts (i.e. higher quality) for key images and improved adjustable sizing.
Build for MacOS X released.
The input sequence checker no longer checks the letter immediately after the cursor position while
typing. Previously, the sequences of (previous, current) and (current, next) letters were checked
but if you were modifying a word or inserting a new word between other words the input could
be rejected.
Option to save TIS-620 cross coded to Unicode has been removed. I don't think it's a good idea to
have an option to save in a completely non-standard and broken format. You can still use my
thaiconv tool to do it if you
really need it.
1.4 - 25 October 2007
Fully internationalised and translated to Japanese and Thai. More languages are possible, I just
need native speakers to help me...
New icon :)
Input from Windows IME now accepted.
Added Find function.
Added Go to line function.
Added context menu, rather than use the default one. RMB click on the edit window to see it.
All conversions now linking to thaiconv code rather than reimplementing.
Using new version of thaiconv so added Character Coding dialogue.
More formats available under thaiconv.
Clipboard intercepted: coded text that has been cut or copied will be decoded.
Added File Info option to see thaiconv analysis of loaded files.
Linked to thaicheck code. In case of an error the cursor is moved to the relevant position.
Loaded files are now checked for sequence order.
Call check function manually from menu.
Keyboard input is passed through check function. System beep on erroneous input.
All menus reimplemented, added shortcuts, added hot keys. KillLatin function no longer required.
A lot of work making sure that the selected font is actually used. QT4 is very difficult to control!
Built under Vista/QT4.3.0/MinGW - new FreeType library renders Thai fonts much nicer.
Added a tutorial to this website! (After a very long gestation period.)
1.3 - 09 August 2006
New menu option: "Save Settings".
Key presses on real keyboard when virtual keyboard window is active are now passed
through to the main window.
Fixed behaviour of jumping to end of file on Save or change of font.
Built for Linux PPC.
1.2 - 19 May 2006
Built for Windows.
Fixed some bugs in the menu logic.
Reshuffled some of the menus.
Some tidying up of the code to make things run nicer.
Ported to QT 4.
1.1 - 14 July 2005
Fix for cut and paste of TIS-620 text: if you pasted "latin" characters into Sontana
then Save or Export functions will not operate as expected.
'KillLatin' function added to the menu so the user can force Sontana to convert the
current file to UniCode if they want to paste from Sontana to another application.